Impact Award
The CLA Impact Award is intended to support creative ventures by young Catholic innovators whose work will further promote Church life in Africa. Suggested areas of focus include (but are not limited to): catechesis, music, art, digital media, community-building, or Catholic social teaching. Awards will be granted for the most thoughtful and innovative proposals, reviewed through a two-part application process.
Impact Award Kickoff
On October 1st, 2023, the Church Life Africa Impact Award started accepting public applications. This distinguished award acknowledges the outstanding contributions of individuals and organizations to the community through their church work.
Application Review
Based on the initial pool of 18 applications, our team of reviewers had identified 9 candidates who advanced to the next rounds.
In the end, three winners were selected;
Emmanuel Atoku
Amanda Hange
Christopher Kpega
Application Ended
The Church Life Impact award 2024 application period lasted for one month, from October 1st to October 31st, 2023. This prestigious award recognizes individuals and groups that have made a significant impact in their communities through outreach programs and initiatives.
Oral Interview
The next round of events was a team of panelists conducted in-person interviews with 9 candidates via Zoom. The interviews were conducted professionally and efficiently, allowing the panelists to gather valuable insights about the candidates
Grants Issuance
The finalists were given a grant amounting to ₦400,000 was given to each of the three finalists, and consolatory sums to the last six.